Kenroy Ellis, Director
Our Community Outreach team is comprised of local Belizeans who know what the challenges Belizeans face day-to-day. Each of the projects they will create has been instigated by the concerns of multiple responses to our requests of suggestions on how we might make Belize a better place.
One of the first programs we want to create is a work study program for children whose parents can’t afford to keep them in school. This program will include skills training for pay to enable kids to remain in high school while they’re learning a skill in an area that interests them, whether it’s in agriculture, auto mechanics, arts, working with livestock or any number of practical skills they will need in their future.
Another is to provide computer assisted training for adults who want to improve their skills (even in mechanics, art, design) so they can improve their income or start their own businesses. We will be looking for locations to install computers to host the classes throughout Belize.
One of the teachers who responded was concerned about his students who don’t have lunch. During the discussion we decided to put hothouses in schools and teach children how to grow the food they’ll eat and to have an excess so they can take vegetables home to their families.
Recently one of the respondents suggested we provide health checks and the concept of a mobile health unit is now in the planning stages. It will provide basic services such as blood pressure and sugar level checks.
We have just begun to plan a mobile music program for youth. The ideal is to have music lessons provided accompanied by the instrument to help you develop and interest in music. The longer term goal is to have these youth perform at the Price Day events throughout Belize.
We have just started working on plans to increase the activities of the George Price Day celebrations to include major cleanup programs throughout Belize villages. We would include fixing fences, removing or repairing broken fences and sidewalks.
Another concern that has been brought to our attention is the sargassum. We have already begun research on methods of reducing the sargassum along the coast. There are many means of generating a profitable resource from the by product.